Normal Hours
The phone lines are open from 9.00am to 12.30pm and 2.00pm to 6.00pm.
An emergency only line is available between 12.30pm to 2.00pm while the surgery is closed for lunch and protected admin time. Please do not phone or visit during this time unless it is essential.
House visits and urgent appointments
Whenever possible please phone before 10.00am as this allows the GPs to better prioritise patients' needs.
All other calls
Please wait till after 11.00am if possible to keep the phone free for patients requiring house visits and urgent appointments.
For all appointment requests
Please help us to help you by telling the reception the reason for your request. This helps our highly trained staff to give you an appointment with the most appropriate member of staff at an appropriate time.
If you cannot keep your appointment please phone to cancel so that it can be offered to someone else.
If you wish to speak to any of the doctors instead of being seen in surgery, then it is essential you advise the receptionist the reason for the call. The receptionists will be pleased to take a note of the reason and to advise either of a suitable time to call back, or advise when the GP will be available to call back. If the call is not of an urgent nature then please be advised the call back may be arranged several days in advance.